National Accounts

Gross Domestic Product

Gross domestic product (GDP) measures the final market value of all goods and services produced within a country. It is the most frequently used indicator of economic activity. The GDP by expenditure approach measures total final expenditures (at purchasers’ prices), including exports less imports. This concept is adjusted for inflation.

United States

Real GDP Growth (qoq %, saar)
Real GDP Growth (yoy %)
Real GDP Level (Chained 2012 Dollars SAAR)
Personal Consumption Growth (qoq %, saar)
Private Investment Growth (qoq %, saar)
Government Spending Growth (qoq %, saar)

Previously Published Estimates

The Bureau of Economic Analysis revises GPA estimates as new data points become available. A file of all previously published estimates can be downloaded here.

New York State

Real GDP Level
Real GDP Growth (qoq %, saar)

GDP by state for all states can be found here.

GDP by County

Real GDP by County (All Counties)
NYC Real GDP by County
NYC Real GDP (Aggregate)