Business Activities

Empire State Manufacturing Survey

This survey, conducted on a monthly basis by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, tracks sentiment among manufacturers in the state of New York.

All the datasets can be found here.

Other Surveys from Feds

In addition to the New York Fed, some other Federal Reserve Banks conduct similar surveys track sentiment among manufacturers in their own districts.

Philly Fed Business Conditions Index
Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index

Business Leader Survey

A monthly survey of service firms in New York State, northern New Jersey and southwestern Connecticut, conducted by the New York Fed. This concept tracks business sentiment within the services industries. The results are based on a survey conducted among a representative sample of businesses in the services sector.

All indexes can here downloaded here.

Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI)

PMI is an index of the prevailing direction of economic trends in the manufacturing and service sectors. The surveys track sentiment among purchasing managers at manufacturing, construction and/or services firms. An overall sentiment index is generally calculated from the results of queries on production, orders, inventories, employment, prices, etc.


The survey is conducted by the Institute for Supply Management.

ISM Manufacturing PMI
ISM Services (Non-Manufacturing) PMI

Markit US PMI

The survey is conducted by Markit.

US Composite PMI
US Manufacturing PMI
US Services PMI

Chicago Fed National Activity Index

The Chicago Fed National Activity Index is a monthly index designed to gauge overall economic activity and related??inflationary pressure. The index is a weighted average of 85 indicators of national economic activity drawn from four broad categories of data: 1) production and income; 2) employment, unemployment, and hours; 3) personal consumption and housing; and 4) sales, orders, and inventories. A zero value for the index indicates that the national economy is expanding at its historical trend rate of growth; negative values indicate below-average growth; and positive values indicate above-average growth.

Chicago Fed National Activity Index
Chicago Fed National Activity Index (3-mo avg)

WCI Container Freight Benchmark Rates

The World Container Index assessed by Drewry reports actual spot container freight rates for major East West trade routes, consisting of 8 route-specific indices representing individual shipping routes and a composite index. Market assessments report the value of agreed and used freight rates between major container lines and shippers or freight forwarders. The agreed freight rates are reported for dry cargo shipped under the category of Freight All Kinds (FAK).

All indices are container freight benchmark rates reported in USD per Forty Foot Container. The composite represents a weighted average of the 8 shipping routes by volume. Datasets are updated every Thursday.

WCI Composite
Shanghai to New York
Rotterdam to New York
New York to Rotterdam